Renewing Confidence Since 1990

Men and women today struggle with different conditions

alopecia areata hair loss, thinning hair and baldness. Hair Support offers many hair loss treatment products to help fight male pattern baldness as well as thinning hair in women and regrow your natural hair.

Hair follicles cycle through the three stages of growth, degeneration and rest, at different intervals. During the rest stage, hair is shed daily. This is nature's method of making way for new hair. The average daily shedding is approximately between 75 and 150 hairs. This is nature’s way of making room for new hair, but hair loss beyond this is an indication of a scalp or hair abnormality.

Numerous variables can contribute to the irregular loss of hair. The amount of stress you’re under, your diet, the state of your hair and scalp, and even your physical constitution will affect hair loss.


Customized Hair Solutions

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Take the first step toward restoring your confidence. Schedule your free, private consultation today for a personalized hair and scalp analysis. Let us help you find the perfect solution to look and feel your best!


Why Choose Us?

Some factors of hair loss include:

Having any family member with thinning hair or hair loss

Ingesting an excessive amount of caffeine

Poor diet

Smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day

Amount of stress

Shampooing twice per week or less

Application of hair products on an unclean scalp

Build-up caused by application of hair care products and topical lotions

The degree of hair loss can varies between individuals and circumstances.

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Phone Number: 352-566-6083

Assistance Hours

Mon – Sat 9:00am – 8:00pm

Sunday – CLOSED

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